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How to clean scented candle cups?


Freezing the wax oil works best when there is only a small amount of paraffin left at the bottom of the cup. Also, this method requires that the wick is not stuck to the bottom of the cup. If there is a candle wick stuck to the bottom of the cup, the paraffin cannot be cleaned completely. We can try the boiling water to remove the wax as described later.
The opening of many scented candle cups is relatively narrow, and when you want to take out the wax, the wax block tends to get stuck at the mouth of the bottle. The solution to this problem is to poke the wax into pieces with a knife. Frozen wax will break into smaller pieces. Small pieces of wax are easier to pull out of the cup than larger ones. You can also use this method to remove wax from specially shaped candle holders.
If you're cleaning wax from a regular candle holder installed on the wall, you don't need to poke the wax to pieces.
Alternatively, place the glass in the freezer to freeze. Hold the cup steady and don't let it fall over. When water freezes, it increases in volume and wax shrinks. The wax will detach from the glass surface. Leave the cup in the freezer until the wax is frozen hard. This process can take anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes to several hours. Remove the candle cups from the refrigerator. When the wax has hardened, remove the candle holder. Check if the paraffin freezes hard by pressing firmly on one corner of the wax block. If the wax comes loose as soon as you press it, it means that the wax block has been frozen hard and can be taken out, and then you can clean it with detergent.
