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The role of beeswax candles


1. Active ammonia scavenging, China beeswax candle homemade has a scavenging effect on ·OH from Fenton system and O2 from X/XO system. The concentration of 2.5 μg/ml or more completely inhibited lipid per-ammonization, and it was also dependent on SOD induction.

2. Other effects, beeswax candles and their emulsion have antibacterial and antiseptic effects. And heparin 100-150mg is suspended in 0.5-1.5ml of beeswax candles and administered intravenously to prolong the anticoagulant effect of heparin.

Beeswax candle has large heat capacity, low thermal conductivity, good sealing performance, slow heat dissipation and long holding time. The wax layer close to the skin can quickly condense, preventing heat from being rapidly transmitted to the skin, so that although the wax solution is not burned at 60 ° C treatment.

Gas and moisture pass through the beeswax, so the heat is not easily spread to the surrounding area. Therefore, although there is only a thin layer of beeswax, the temperature can be maintained for a long time due to poor heat transfer, and the thicker the wax, the longer the holding time.

Pure beeswax candle has good plasticity, viscosity and thermal expansion and contraction, so it can be closely attached to the skin of the body surface. As the heat energy spreads and cools, the beeswax candle organic gradually hardens and its volume can be reduced by 10-20%, thus the tissue Produces mild mechanical compression.

In addition to monoesters, the beeswax candle organic component also includes physiologically active free acids, free alcohols, carotenes, flavonoids, etc. The beeswax candle organic treatment also involves chemical action, which has a good effect on moisturizing the skin and promoting wound regeneration. This is incomparable to paraffin therapy. Adding proper amount of propolis (beeswax: propolis = 9:1) to beeswax can enhance the medical effect of beeswax candle organic.

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