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BeesWax Candles

Single Color Dripped Beeswax Hanukkah Candle

Chanukah candles made by TaBo are special. Our single color dripped beeswax Hanukkah candles are made from pure beeswax. For more information on how and where to order Hanukkah candles made by TaBo please feel free to contact us.

Product Description

Chanukah candles made by TaBo are special. Our single color dripped beeswax Hanukkah candles are made from pure beeswax. For more information on how and where to order Hanukkah candles made by TaBo please feel free to contact us.

Why do we light a menorah for 8 days?

Probably many of you ask yourself, why do Jewish people light menorah for 8 days? Little bit of history of why this is the case: The Jewish holiday of Hanukkah celebrates two major victories: The victory in 2nd century BC of a small army or Jews called Maccabees, who were outnumbered greatly by Greeks. Greeks wanted to enforce a Hellenistic lifestyle to Jewish inhabitants in Israel, and Jewish people succeeded to prevent that. In spite of the Greek supremacy in both number and weapons, Maccabees won.

The second is the burning of seven branched Menorah as a part of the daily ceremony performed in the Holy Temple. The Maccabees freed the temple from the Greeks and wanted to light the Menorah in honour of that. Sadly, they could find only a small amount of olive oil that could be used for lighting Menorah, and it was enough for only one day. Greeks have used up and contaminated all the oil, and only the crude oil was left. In spite of that, miraculously Menorah burnt for the whole 8 days and 8 nights. That's why the important tradition of the Festival of Lights is to light the candles on the menorah, which is a candelabrum that can hold 8 candles. The ninth candle, however, is called the Shamash, and it is used to light the other 8 candles.

Product Parameters


Single Color Dripped Beeswax Hanukkah Candle


Pure Beeswax


Single color






45 pieces in a customized box

MOQ(Min Order Quantity)

3000 boxes

